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Creature CollectionThere once was a small town by the cliffs edge overlooking the sea, named Natures Respite. Founded by travelers and adventurers as a waystation, it quickly became a bustling hub with all the commodities one could need, from taverns to stables to a small temple dedicated to the goddess Vuntur. Little did the townsfolk know, their town was built atop an ancient tomb that imprisoned the goddess of pestilence and drought, Siccitas.
The tribe of druids who once lived in the nearby Dead man's drop forest were the only ones who knew of the goddess's existence. With their numbers dwindling down to a single member, the townsfolk dismissed her warnings as the ravings of a crazy hermit. As the town continued to grow, the goddess's Siccitas power began to grow with it, causing the land around the town to wither and dry out. Despite this, the townsfolk grew suspicious of the druid and even attempted to kill her.
As the town became uninhabitable and the inhabitants were forced to abandon it, a small group of townsfolk, influenced by the whispers of the goddess in their minds, entered the tomb to free her. Tragically, they met an untimely end as the goddess drained them of both their fluids and their life force. Some of them, however, were corrupted into abominations that served as her slaves for eternity. These creatures were known as Winchie Barrows.
The lone druid, realizing the danger the goddess posed, strengthened the barriers around her tomb and created a magic fountain with a statue of the fey guardians of the forest, the Tatoe Tots, to cover the entrance. The fountain was a constant source of water and if it were to ever stop flowing, it would be a sign that the goddess had broken free.
Years passed and the town of Natures Respite was long forgotten, its sign leading into the town eventually withering away now reading Natures Rest. The once bustling hub was now nothing but ruins, overtaken by a hive of Vuhorn moths, predatory insects the size of a man. The fate of the druid, if she still lived, was unknown. The drought that spread across the land was a reminder that something sinister still lurked beneath the forgotten town.
And so, the tale of Nature's Respite was lost while the ruins of Natures Rest was born, a warning to all that even the most seemingly peaceful places can have a dark and dangerous past.
baran_the_rain, angrymeatball, sottheworld
credstick, squirrelly2022, frosty_the_nomad
zestfullok, Bellthecat, ZaraRavenhart
Mintcatessa, zestfullok, Ich_bins_aka_fallenK
Linnzia, Eyeofthenyte, true_potato_man
bellthecat, PCM___
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Creature Collection