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Creature CollectionThe castaway castle otherwise known as Geodius was once like any other dwarven settlement nestled within the Tormek mountains, until a monumental discovery changed its fate. Miners unearthed a treasure trove of strange crystals imbued with the magic of the Plane of Air, granting them the power to defy gravity. Unsure of how to harness this newfound resource, the dwarves were approached by a group of exiled fey who proposed a bold plan: use the crystals to lift their city into the skies, freeing themselves from the rule of Tormek royalty and creating a new kingdom.
The fey had their own motives—they sought refuge and power after being banished from the Drift. Nevertheless, the dwarven leaders, with the help of their skilled artificers and the fey’s knowledge, constructed a grand machine beneath the castle. Powered by the crystals, the machine lifted the entire city into the heavens, where it has remained for nearly a thousand years, floating through the skies of Veargreum.
The airborne city of Geodius is a marvel to behold. The architecture is a strange blend of ancient dwarven stonework, fey enchantments, and surreal, gravity-defying structures. Outside overgrown plants thrive in the castle’s magical environment. From below, it resembles a massive geode—gleaming crystals radiate from the inside while the remnants of the mountain's rock form a protective shell. The city remains self-sufficient, exposed to sunlight for crops and gathering rainwater, while its isolation in the sky shields it from ground-based armies, natural disasters, and most monsters.
This newfound independence came at a price for the dwarven people aboard. The ruling archfey, who had initially helped raise the city, quickly usurped control from the dwarven governor. Under the fey’s rule, the city’s culture transformed into an anarchist haven where laws are loose and often unheeded. Leadership shifts constantly, with control of the city frequently falling into the hands of whichever thieves' guild or gang holds the most power. As a result, parts of the city fall into disrepair, with little attention paid to maintaining order or infrastructure.
The dwarves of Geodius, known as Drifting Dwarves, have also changed. Exposure to fey magic and constant sunlight has darkened their skin and turned their hair into ethereal clouds. Though less rigid than their mountain kin, they remain resilient and resourceful, living in a natural fortress that is nearly impossible for outsiders to breach.
Geodius's greatest threat comes not from the ground, but from the sky. While the castle is largely immune to traditional dangers, it is vulnerable to fierce storms and the predatory Gale Umbras. In time, the city formed a symbiotic relationship with many of these powerful beasts, offering them food and shelter in exchange for protection. The citizens of Geodius have even become the first to successfully tame Gale Umbras, becoming the famed Umbra Riders. This newfound power and defense convinced the government of Veargreum to recognize Geodius as an independent nation, and they now send supplies in exchange for the city's assistance in monitoring the skies and defending against airborne threats.
Geodius has since become a refuge for a wide variety of inhabitants, including fey creatures, birdfolk, flying races like Galiants, and fey-touched beings such as Nisari elves, Saymora, and Kinlings. The city also draws followers of Zhashi, the wind god, who feel closest to their deity in the lofty heights.
Rumors persist that the ruling archfey's ultimate goal is to use Geodius to regain power and exact revenge on those who exiled them from the Drift. Whether or not this is true, the city remains a strange and dangerous place, governed by whimsy and ambition, yet offering sanctuary to those bold enough to call it home.
Captainrail88, Bubbaking3, Szuhesz
Jrein01, MrTimeWank, dinothedm
Lucid_Lucis, TessyBrainStorms, Rahzak1985
Drone_Kick_King, Tor_ohi_, desrith
HansHeinerich, Radivibe, vdemondisgused
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