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Creature CollectionQuests are written in a branched format so that every player's choice leads to different events and dialogue options. Over the course of a quest, players may find themselves making skill checks, battling foes, and interacting with items. Since every choice may lead to a different path, players are likely to have diverse experiences based on their style of play! Most of the quests are geared towards solo adventurers; however, friends can take up arms together for dungeon crawls and participate in monthly community events to find special loot.
We've tried to ensure that our quests can be enjoyed by a wide and diverse audience. That being said, some quests do explore more mature topics. Since SOCRPG includes combat mechanics, players will be confronted with violence, weapons, and death. Every quest has a built-in exit option at each branch so players can leave a quest at any time, for any reason.
Quests are done through hidden messages between you and the game which means no one can see your choices and you can't see theirs! This prevents spoilers! Also note, choices within quests are permanent for the most part. Some parts such as dialogue with an NPC allow you to ask multiple questions without proceeding to a new part of the quest if you wish to talk longer.
To access the current available quests for an area type /my region to see the quest board, regional area and more. After that click the buttons to view quest info and start, stop, or pause your quests as you go.
More detailed breakdowns of how quests work will be added upon game release.
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Creature Collection