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Creature CollectionYou may choose your class then starting gear from the limited class specific options, as well as your characters name and species. Choose from a diverse selection of playable species to customize your character's appearance and abilities. Character species are purely cosmetic, so players can fully express their creativity without worrying about choosing a “suboptimal” species for their preferred class. Each class has its own set of predetermined attribute points and features because in SOCRPG stat bonuses and additional abilities are determined by equipped items and level!
Playable Races:
Scruttles , Fel'Dari , Bristler
Omniander , Cleaon , The Churn
Dwarf , Elf , Gnome
Halfling , Human , Tiefling
Aasimar , Changeling , Bugbear
Gnome , Earth Genasi
Go to classes for more specific breakdown of each class and what they offer.
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Creature Collection