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Creature CollectionTieflings in Crius owe their origins to the first archfiend of Tenarus, who sought to conquer the material plane. Seeking an army already within that plane, the archfiend made deals with mortals, granting them demonic powers in exchange for their loyalty and that of their descendants. These deals bound the mortals with demonic crown-like horns forged from Abyssal ore merging with their skulls. These horns act as a chain binding them and transforming their appearance while bestowing them with great power.
The archfiend was once close to an awakening in the material plane, however a large swarm of Tatoe Fey sent them back. Though it is still unknown today whether the Tatoes were protecting Crius or simply found it amusing. With the archfiend nearly destroyed and with thousands of years having passed since their creation Tieflings are now seen as their own species. The lore and legend of their formation as well as their bound obligation are mostly forgotten to time. Tieflings are distinguished by their colorful skin with metallic hues, spikes running along their back to their tail, and their signature demonic horns. The horns, made from Abyssal ore, grow and change with age and power, and can be manipulated by those who have mastered their abilities. When casting spells, the horns heat up and glow revealing the ring binding their heads to their original contract. Upon death, the horns detach from the body, the contract broken. The fragments are considered valuable illegal magical items in underground markets. Tieflings possess demonic abilities such as sensing demonic presences, gaining various element resistance based upon their lineage, and easier access to the realm of Tenarus. In the hellish plane, they are less likely to be attacked by other fiendish creatures due to their fiendish blood. Despite their demonic origins, Tieflings are not inherently wicked and strive to integrate peacefully with other races, often showcasing their unique powers in positive ways. Unfortunately, despite their peaceful ways there was still an organization that took prejudice with the Tieflings causing the great Tiefling purge also referred to as the Horn Hunt. This purge led to Tieflings now being rarely seen across Veargreum, mostly living either in the fiery city of
Amrinson, DiscordianNest, Drone_Kick_King
Covert, HansHeinerich, Hoileppa
Str163yker, Edwin_su, One_Casey_Man
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