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Creature CollectionThe next day was yet another early start for us, I was determined to find something deadly and to me fascinating. As intrigued as I was with the herd creatures I simply could not pass up the opportunity to learn more about this voracious predator from the day before. Finding the creature was no easy task, it must have been rather light on its feet as well as fast because it left near to no tracks. Thanks to a few spells by Meeps and a single feather left behind we eventually tracked it to its lair; a small barely lit cave tucked into the hills and grass just north of the herd. The creature must have an easier time seeing in the darkness than me to call this its home I thought. I made my way into a large crop of tall grass just outside the cave. I listened and watched closely, seeing some movement within. To my surprise I heard a 2nd set of footsteps and even in the darkness I could make out a small form running circles around the one I was tracking.
Abruptly I heard Meeps shout “Sherwin!” Turning, I was met with the open maw of the predator frozen in place by a spell. I gasped surprised, but quickly became excited at the opportunity to study it so closely. Two sets of eyes and a feathered tuft of plumage along its face gave it both an intimidating and somewhat cute appearance. I moved carefully, its eyes following me, its body still frozen in a silent attack. Its light frame and apparent holes in its legs made it aerodynamic and lighting fast. The serpentine neck sticks further out from its body enabling it to weave around objects and make reactionary changes with ease. Before I could study it further though I remembered I had been staring at a different one in the cave. I turned around to see it hissing, backing away further into the cave protecting the smaller one behind it. Perhaps they’re a bonded pair with offspring and the one I was studying was one of the parents, how fascinating. I would have loved to stay longer, but I was warned of the holding spell's time limit drawing near. I jotted down my notes and overall satisfied with my findings we left the family of creatures in peace and headed back to camp for the day.
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Creature Collection