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Creature CollectionWe rushed North at first light hoping to gain some ground on the sky creature sighted the night before. The weather was on our side with regards to travel today; not a cloud in the sky. I kept searching the horizon hoping to spot the beast amidst a distant storm cloud but found nothing but blue skies and the occasional flying insect or creature. Eventually, we caught sight of an odd herd of species making their way through the fields north of the forest. One creature appears to almost be the eyes for the other that to my knowledge doesn’t have any. The herd moved slowly grazing with roughly 6 to 10 eyeless beasts and two tall watchful creatures amidst them. I was making notes on their structure when suddenly the watchful creatures' bodies stiffened and they focused in near my location. I gasped confused as I had a spell cast upon me thanks to Lord Meeps making me nearly undetectable.
Before I could make a move a silent hunter jumped past me in a blur of fangs and fur matching the color of the grass. It darted perfectly through the herd seeking a younger blind beast frantically rushing about. The watchers began to shake their large metal like panels that lay across their back. The loud clattering worked as an alarm for the herd. Within 30 seconds the whole herd had organized moving together in a defensive position. Watchers and younglings in the middle and the larger blind beasts horns facing out on the edges. Unfortunately for them they had somehow moved too slow. The young prey had gotten separated in the confusion, its body now lay helplessly on its side, blood flowing out. Whatever organ was desired by the swift creature must have already been taken as the predator came and went in a flash. The rest of the carcass was left to scavengers and to my own curious studies. The day drifted on quite uneventfully from there and I soon found myself watching the sun drop beyond the distant hills wondering where the giant sky beast had gone from the night before.
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Creature Collection