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Creature CollectionIn the turbulent start of Veargreum's history, amidst the opulent rise of the House of 9, a once-rich noble sought to defy their ascent. This noble, harboring royal aspirations, withdrew to an island in the Opal Sea, distancing themselves from the House of 9's power. The initial establishment of a sovereign nation flourished, bolstered by wealth, resources, and unwavering loyalty.
However, as the aging noble contemplated the inevitable passage into the afterlife, the specter of mortality cast a shadow over their realm. Thus, Everlab 14 was conceived—a clandestine laboratory gathering the realm's most brilliant minds, from wizards and alchemists to artificers, all convened to unlock the elusive secrets of immortality. What commenced as a regal dream swiftly devolved into an obsessive pursuit, culminating in the deprivation of the kingdom's resources and a perilous mutiny.
In the aftermath of the conflict, the kingdom lay in ruin, and the surface lab appeared decimated. Yet, beneath this façade lay the true heart of Everlab 14—a subterranean labyrinth of experimentation and horror. Known only to those with the highest clearance, this hidden facility persevered even as the surface lab crumbled. In a final, desperate bid to evade mortality, the king authorized Experiment 14. The macabre success that followed bestowed upon him a twisted form of immortality, transforming them into an undead monstrosity that still lurks in the deepest recesses of the subterranean complex.
Unfazed by the cataclysmic uprising, the lab persisted in its arcane endeavors. Funded by shadowy organizations in the Avarice, the island remained concealed from prying eyes, its secrets safeguarded against intrusion. The island's perilous nature dissuaded casual visitors, as the lab continued its insidious experiments, crafting abominations and chimera-like creatures for various purposes.
The lab's monstrosities were either dispatched to mercenaries across Veargreum, subjected to ceaseless experimentation, or unleashed upon the surface as sport for Avarices elite. Mind-controlling devices, artfully crafted by artificers and druids, adorned the creatures, allowing them access to parts of the lab. The circular layout of the underground facility consisted of spiraling hallways housing cells for creatures, observation rooms, and a central bridge crystal facilitating covert entrance and exit. Without having to face the surface labs dangerous botanical experiments.
Designated by distinct-colored lab coats denoting security clearance levels, workers navigated the labyrinth accompanied by oozes carrying information orbs and essential lab equipment. Abandoned sectors now functioned as weapons testing facilities, and new test subjects from the adjacent Whisperhope prison infused fresh blood into the deranged experiments of Everlab 14. In the dark recesses of this twisted laboratory, mad scientists and ethically dubious practitioners continued their quest for immortality, unleashing horrors that festered both above and below the surface of the mysterious island.
RED1AL4, Iconoplast, Charismatic_canine
DJG_MUSIC, Bellthecat, Bubbaking3
Vdemondisgused, PCM___, SilvieSanguine
Amrinson, Hoileppa, The_Loophole_King
Jrein01, Amon_Ischtar, Arkhalis404
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