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Creature CollectionThe Dream Realm also known as the Everdream Expanse, an ethereal creation birthed from the slumber of the Dream God Revedra and the Nightmare god Nyxarath, is both the embodiment of their dreaming essence and the canvas upon which they shape the boundless landscapes of imagination; should Revedra and Nyxarath ever awaken at the same time, the entire dream realm would dissolve like fleeting whispers. Emerging at the inception of sentient thoughts, the realm materialized in a kaleidoscopic eruption, perpetually in flux due to the ever-shifting dreams of mortals, with a technicolor atmosphere and structures defying the conventional grasp of physics as its enduring constants. On the periphery, dreamers navigate the realm, their subconscious influencing its outer edges, but as one ventures towards the center, the unrestrained chaos and surreal strangeness intensify, as Revedra's and Nyxarath's profound consciousness distorts reality, unraveling the very fabric of existence.
Here creatures known as Dreams materialize as living embodiments of mortal subconscious desires or fears, with manifestations ranging from golden coin amalgamations born of dreams of wealth to shadow-formed entities reflecting the collective fear of darkness; within this realm, these dream creatures exhibit benevolence, either indifferent or supportive to dreamers, while Nightmares, ominous beings, relentlessly hunt and extinguish both dreamers and dreams alike, their prevalence echoing the collective hopes and fears of the material plane. These creatures mirror the unending power struggle between the dream and nightmare god for dominion over the Dream realm, fueled by the creation of new nightmares and dreams, each deity vying for supremacy in this surreal realm of ever-shifting thoughts and emotions.
Tranquility typically graces its outskirts; however, a dreaded phenomenon known as The Blink casts an ominous shadow upon this ethereal realm. The Blink manifests when Revedra, in a profound slumber, closes its eyes from the Everdream Expanse, delving into an even deeper form of sleep.
During this harrowing event, Nightmares are unshackled from restraint, and the once benign dream creatures undergo a nightmarish metamorphosis, transforming into sinister versions of themselves. The Everdream Expanse, usually a haven of dreams and imaginative wonders, becomes a realm besieged by the malevolent forces of the unconscious mind.
Traversing the Everdream Expanse becomes a reality through the art of dream magic, allowing those adept in its mysteries, known as Dream Mages or Oneironauts, to venture into the immaterial even without slumber. These skilled individuals, masters of the subconscious currents, possess the unique ability to walk into the dreams of sleeping individuals, a practice aptly termed "sleepwalking." Oneironauts can choose to project either their subconscious or their entire physical form into the Everdream Expanse, transported to the specific location where their chosen sleeper dreams are. These Oneironauts work alongside Revedra to fight off Nightmares to insure they never take over too much of the realm, and to make sure the Everdream Expanse and reality stay separate. While being physically present in the Everdream Expanse grants enhanced power and control, it also exposes travelers to heightened risks. Nightmares, malevolent entities, pose a substantial threat, as their ability to slay a dreamer within the Everdream Expanse results in permanent entrapment within its shifting dimensions.
In this surreal domain, appearance mirrors self-perception within the subconscious, with the most potent dream mages manifesting exact copies of themselves on both dream and material planes. Dream magic, a formidable force in the Everdream Expanse, grants the ability to manipulate reality, conjure dream creatures, and exert control over the dream landscape. The forbidden art of manipulating a sleeper's subconscious for personal gain is strictly prohibited by the Oneironaut order.
To access the Oneironaut School, one must employ the services of a Dream Mage acting as a conduit, leading them to the school nestled at the center of the Everdream Expanse. Its tallest tower, precariously dangling over the edge, peers into the subconscious sea—a swirling whirlpool of energies resembling a colossal eye.
Trained Oneironauts, equipped to navigate the dangers of the Everdream Expanse, are the sole mortals permitted to enter while awake. Unleashing dreams into the material plane, a practice known as Dreamsmoking, manifests as prismatic smoke—an embodiment of the ethereal dreamscape that defies the boundaries between reality and the subconscious. Be careful as dream magic used in the real world can leave behind magical essence that remains and too much of it in the material plane can create a rift between the two realms. The rift is accessible from both sides making it dangerous for everyone on both realms. Where there is dream magic there also lies Nightmare Magic. A perilous path, as the very energies they manipulate are laced with the potential for insanity. Drawing too deeply from the well of nightmares can lead to the unraveling of one's sanity, and the veiled nature of these sorcerers makes them susceptible to the corrupting influence of their own magic.
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Camunon, SilvieSanguine, majesticwolfster27
TheDedLime, Amrinson, Roberttables
overchord, Best_wife_plam, Jrein01
Bellthecat, HydroVersus
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