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Taeturrils are small, slow-moving herbivores that dwell in the canopy of the sap-scorched forest. They spend their days delicately stripping leaves from branches with their tiny, clawed hands. Lacking natural defenses, Taeturrils rely on their minor shapeshifting abilities for survival. When threatened by predators like Strafe Squirrels, they can alter the color and texture of their bodies to blend into their surroundings. If camouflage fails, these clever creatures resort to mimicking the appearance of Tatoe Tot fey, creatures that most predators find unappealing or fearsome, effectively scaring away potential attackers. Despite their lack of defenses Taeturrils are said to be quite intelligent and will even give guidance to those in need, if the Taeturril does not sense any hostility.

This CR1/8 creature is called a Taeturril and is a Monstrosity that lives mostly within the Sap Scorched Forest.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Delport_Breckland