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Strafe Squirrels are small, arboreal predators known for their clever and deadly hunting tactics. Natives of forests filled with acidic, burning tree sap, these creatures have evolved specialized saliva glands that coat their front paws, allowing them to handle the dangerous sap without injury. Using their skin flaps—stretched between their front and back limbs—and a long, furry tail for balance, they glide silently through the treetops, stalking their prey from above. Once positioned, they unleash the corrosive sap directly onto their target, stunning or killing it. If the initial attack isn’t enough, they quickly gather more sap, repeating the process until their prey is reduced to a dissolved slurry. The Strafe Squirrel then uses its long, narrow snout, acting like a straw, to suck up the dissolved prey along with the sap. Spending their lives leaping between trees, these squirrels are equipped with small barbs on their skin flaps that help them grip tree bark with ease, making them nimble hunters in their treetop domain.

This CR1/2 creature is called a Strafe Squirrel and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Sap Scorched Forest.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: One_Casey_Man