Our QUest

Every Milestone Matters

Our Twitch

Our Milestones

Find A Sponsor 0/1

We'd love to find someone who loves what we do as much as we do. We're not here for the money, but we'd like to at least break even. That way finances won't influence how long we get to build awesome things with everyone!


20 Avg. Twitch Friends Online 20/20

The big thing is to keep striving for growth, let's welcome more amazing people and push to create a community we can all appreciate.


Community Creatures Created  100/100

Completed 8/15/22

Let's build up our creature library together! We keep track of everyone who contributes ideas and we hope to eventually show many of them off in our creature codex once they're colored.

EDIT: WOW! You all have some amazing ideas! We can barely keep up. Ash is super excited to finalize some of the creature art.

10 Avg. Twitch Friends Online  10/10

Completed 8/10/22

We love having friends to chat with online! Our goal is to get a small group together. That way we can take the time to learn everyone's story, chat and have a great time.

EDIT: We can't believe we found so many great people. Seriously you brighten our days.