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Dreamweavers are gargantuan, cephalopod-like aberrations that begin their lives as feral beasts lurking in the depths of the Nimbus Cloud Sea. In their youth, they lack the godlike intellect they will one day acquire but are still ferociously hostile, even to their own kind. Born in the lightless depths, young Dreamweavers are particularly vulnerable to bright lights, a weakness that fades as they age over hundreds of years into titanic, city-sized entities.

At full maturity, Dreamweavers become harbingers of doom, their enormous bodies adorned with dozens of eyes scattered across their bulbous heads and beneath their writhing tentacles. Some of these eyes possess the ability to detach, serving as scouts that allow the Dreamweaver to extend its reach and gather information without being detected. Beneath their head lies a cavernous maw filled with rows upon rows of jagged teeth.

The true terror of the Dreamweaver, however, lies in their ability to produce silken threads infused with enchantment magic. These strands, spun from the ends of their tentacles, can stretch for miles and are invisible to the naked eye, only detectable through specific spells or under particular lighting conditions. These enchanted threads can burrow into the minds of sentient beings, allowing the Dreamweaver to manipulate them like puppets. While under the creature’s control, the victim remains in a dreamlike trance, unaware of their predicament until the Dreamweaver decides whether to discard them as scrap or consume them entirely.

To aid in their hunting, Dreamweavers possess special flotation sacs along the sides of their heads, which they can inflate or deflate at will, allowing them to control their buoyancy and fly with eerie grace. Furthermore, they can release thick clouds of fog from siphons at the base of their tentacles, using it to shroud themselves in mist and obscure their massive forms from view.

Thankfully, most young Dreamweavers fall prey to Cloud Bellows, who favor them as a delicacy. However, if one survives to maturity, it often departs the Nimbus Sea in search of new territories to establish its deadly domain, leaving behind devastation and terror wherever it goes.

This CR25 creature is called a Dreamweaver and is an Aberration that lives mostly within the Nimbus Sea.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips