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Locals of the Nimbus Sea tell legends of a behemoth that dwells within the deepest layers of the clouds. Rumors first began when The haunting calls of this creature were heard reverberating from the depths. Then those who claim to have witnessed it, describe it as a monster with a giant mouth, long streamlined body, and sharp horn atop its head. However, the fear behind this creature is purely a misunderstanding as the Cloud Bellow is actually a celestial guardian of the Nimbus Sea. The horn that locals fear actually works like a lightning rod and enables the Bellow to disrupt thunderstorms by absorbing their electrical energy. Not only is it a guardian but this Cetacean exhales water vapors from its blow hole that form the very clouds making up the Nimbus Sea. Being such a large creature has resulted in the Bellow staying primarily in the deeper layer of the sea. Even with its three pairs of feathery wings, getting all the way to the surface clouds is a hassle. Therefore it really only comes to the surface to allow Skyhares the chance of consuming parasites and fungi that have grown on their body while down in the gloom.

This CR10 creature is called a Cloud Bellow and is a Celestial that lives mostly within the Nimbus Sea.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Bell The Cat