Honeyblooms are deceptive trees native to the tropical rainforests of Crius, thriving in dense, shadowy areas or high-elevation zones. The Honeybloom’s branches extend from its trunk, each adorned with flower-like bowls brimming with sweet nectar. This nectar is not only the source of the tree’s alluring fragrance but is also said to be delicious. These cunning predators use this nectars scent to lure unsuspecting prey. The tree’s bark features a unique spongy, honeycomb-like structure coated in a sticky resin. This adhesive surface traps animals that venture too close, leaving them immobilized.
Once the prey is ensnared, the Honeybloom's predatory nature reveals itself. Long, tongue-like vines descend from the canopy, wrapping around the trapped creature with surprising strength. These vines then lift the prey into the tree’s maw—a gaping opening hidden beneath the canopy's massive, barbed leaves. Inside, potent digestive acids await, ensuring the tree's deadly feast. Those brave enough to harvest its nectar without falling victim to the Honeybloom’s trap regard it as a rare delicacy, with uses in both medicinal and alchemical concoctions. It was recently discovered that the honey is also flammable! Be cautious.
This plant is called a Honeybloom and lives mostly within the Fangroot Forest.