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Blitz Berries are fascinating magnetic berries found within the Sea of Glass. These berries grow on tall, thin stalks that emerge from the glassy sand dunes, their shapes reminiscent of lightning bolts. Both the berries and the stalks possess magnetic properties. The plants also have a vast and intricate root structure that can go down deep beneathe the desert surface.

The magnetic stalks attract loose sand, covering the plant and creating a natural camouflage. When lightning strikes the stalks, functioning like lightning rods, the entire plant becomes encased in glass, preserving it against the harsh desert elements. Once encased, the berries protrude from the glass, their magnetic properties attracting passing creatures. These creatures inadvertently transport the berries to new locations, where they eventually fall off and take root, starting the cycle anew.

Highly prized by alchemists, Blitz Berries are essential for crafting levitation and magnetic-based potions, making them a valuable and sought-after resource in the world of magical and alchemical studies. Citizens within the Sea of Glass also recomend consuming a Blitz Berry to get rid of sand you have inhaled into your system, be warned they are incredibly bitter in taste.

This plant is called a Blitz Berries and lives mostly within the Sea of Glass.

Made by: HansHeinerich
Made by: Catchy Cantrips