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Wobbygongs are the most successful predators of the Singing Glade swamp, thriving not through sheer size or brute strength but through their exceptional teamwork and cunning intelligence. These formidable pack hunters average around 6 feet (2 meters) in length, sporting a sleek, hydrodynamic body that culminates in a powerful, agile tail and four robust legs. While their front legs are relatively small, their powerful hind limbs allow them to leap with incredible speed and agility, making them efficient predators in their murky domain.

The most striking feature of the Wobbygong is its unique head and neck ornamentation, composed of a hard keratin material that resembles a natural shovel and corkscrew. This adaptation enables them to burrow through the swamp’s muddy depths with remarkable precision, while specialized water siphons along their necks facilitate swift movement through both mud and water, allowing them to spin and dig through their environment like a living drill.

With an exceptionally strong bite force, the Wobbygong's jagged, broken teeth are perfectly designed for their favorite prey: the resilient Titan beetles. Although they may occasionally break a tooth while tackling these armored creatures, they have the remarkable ability to quickly regenerate their lost dentition, ensuring they are always ready for the hunt.

This CR1/2 creature is called a Wobbygong and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Swamp.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips