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The Witnesses, mysterious interdimensional voyagers, stand as a profoundly intelligent species, revered by certain societies as minor gods. Masters of traversing realms, they employ special gateways to explore alternate dimensions, evaluating their worth. Any deemed unworthy are ruthlessly severed from the intricate web of reality, left to slowly die. Descendants of a highly advanced race that unraveled the secrets of planar travel, the Witnesses bodies have changed from simple humanoids to eldritch horrors. This transformative journey fueled by an insatiable thirst for self-improvement. Their peculiar appearances are a testament to their relentless pursuit of perfection through both magical and physical augmentations. With each leap across dimensions, they assimilate newfound secrets and magics into their bodies and culture, evolving with each encounter. Their multiple eyes bestow upon them unique abilities drawn from diverse planes, while their chitinous exoskeletons render them impervious to most physical assaults. In both personality and societal structure, the Witnesses embody a rigid and strict ethos. Though not inherently evil, their unwavering commitment to the greater cosmic vision leads them to make morally grey decisions. Entire civilizations or planets may be obliterated without a second thought, all in service of what they perceive as the greater good of all reality. Despite lacking a true home realm, sporadic sightings of Witnesses in Crius have placed them within the subterranean depths of the Gloom.

This CR13 creature is called a Witness and is an Aberration that lives mostly within the Gloom.

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Made by: vdemondisgused