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In the snowy peaks of the Tormek Mountains the locals all fear the dreaded sound of the Whistle Umbra. A massive flying reptile about 30ft long with a large pointed armored head, a body covered in feathers, two wings ending in a clawed hand and a long tail ending in a sharp serrated spike. The apex predator of the mountains it calls home. They hunt by flying high up in the air and dive bombing their prey quickly snatching them up before they even know what is happening, the only clue is a high pitched whistle sound right before impact caused by groves in their head. If they need to get prey nout out in the open their head is able to withstand a tremendous amount of force and is used to break into caves or wherever their prey is hiding. In terms of Umbra's these are more bestial but still have a higher intelligence than your average beast. Meaning they are able to adapt hunting strategizes depending on what prey they are hunting, even if that prey is the local mountain folk. The worst part is like all Umbra's the can live for milennias and only grow stronger with age, that is why when one is spotted it is not long before a monster hunter is sent after them.

This CR8 Creature is called a Whistle Umbra and is an Umbra that lives mostly within the Mountains.

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