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The Weeping Dreadroot is a haunting creature of the Everpour mountains, resembling a muscular humanoid man made of wood from the waist up, while a mass of tendril-like roots forms its lower body. Its face is grotesquely shaped into a mask with empty eye holes, a circular knot hole for a mouth, and carved streaks that mimic tear stains. The top of its head is adorned with a sprawling mane of vine-covered ivy leaves, resembling hair.

These eerie beings roam the mountains, emitting sorrowful cries that sound like the lamentations of a person in deep emotional pain, invoking sympathy in those who hear them. When well-meaning individuals follow these cries to offer comfort, they are met with the Dreadroot’s hollow gaze before the creature unleashes a loud wail, ensnaring its victims with its roots and draining their life force.

Groups of Weeping Dreadroots occasionally congregate near the mountain lakes, rooting themselves as their lives near their end. Upon fully rooting, they eject a seedling into the soil nearby. This seedling rapidly absorbs rainwater, transforming into a new Dreadroot ready to spread its misery.

Survivors of the Weeping Dreadroot’s attacks are rare, often claiming that they can no longer feel proper happiness, as if the Dreadroot continues to siphon their joy from miles away. Moments of potential cheer bring them pain, as the monster’s screams echo in their minds, draining their happiness.

Being composed of animated wood, Weeping Dreadroots have a strong aversion to flames and sharp metals, such as swords and axes. They remain in the rain-soaked mountains, where the rain prevents fires from spreading and provides ample opportunities to ambush adventurers.

Some adventurers have successfully slain Weeping Dreadroots, discovering that the creatures’ remains can be processed by alchemists to create a waterproof substance. However, attempts to plant recovered Weeping Dreadroot seedlings outside the Everpour mountains have always failed. The seedlings drain moisture from the surrounding land, turning it to dust, but are unable to grow, eventually shriveling into sawdust.

This CR7 creature is called a Weeping Dreadroot and is a Plant that lives mostly within the Everpour Mountains.

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Made by: Drone_Kick_King