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Formidable predators that inhabit the tide pools of the coral jungle. Distinguished by their striking black and yellow stripes, males boast a predominantly yellow hue with slender black markings, while females showcase a predominantly black coloration adorned with delicate yellow stripes. Their short, scrunched-up snouts house a formidable array of large, rounded teeth, uniquely adapted for their peculiar hunting method.

These eels utilize their powerful jaws to seize small pieces of hard coral, meticulously grinding them into spherical projectiles. With remarkable precision and agility, they lie in wait just below the water's surface, poised to unleash their lethal ammunition upon unsuspecting prey. When the opportune moment arises, they propel the rounded coral chunks with astonishing speed, either dispatching their quarry instantly or rendering them incapacitated for an easy capture.

In addition to their formidable hunting prowess, Trigger eels boast short spikes adorning their heads and extending halfway down their spines, serving as a deterrent against would-be predators seeking to challenge their dominance in the tide pools.

This CR3 creature is called a Trigger Eel and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Coral Jungle.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: bellthecat