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Found in and around Oasises in the Dawning Dunes desert, there lives a peculiar creature known as the Tremor Cone. It is a fish like no other, adapted to survive in the harshest of environments where few creatures could. The Tremor Cone's hard outer shell is the key to its survival. It protects its body from the intense desert sun rays and also stores water, ensuring that the Cone's body does not dry out. This unique adaptation allows the Tremor Cone to breathe in the dry desert air, making it one of the only fish species that can survive in such a harsh environment. As an expert burrower, the Tremor Cone is a master of digging through the sand. It can spin itself in a corkscrew fashion, drilling through the sand with ease. Once it locates its prey, it ejects itself from the ground at full force, snatching up its prey before it had a chance to escape. When the Tremor Cone ventures out on the overland, it has a unique way of protecting itself from potential predators. It tucks itself in and rolls everywhere, using its hard outer shell to shield itself from any danger that might come its way. It is known for its loyalty and can sometimes be tamed by desert-goers who take advantage of its ability to sense movement in the sand. Allowing its owners an early warning system to larger threats in the desert, like the fearsome Desert Shifter.

This CR1/8 creature is called a Tremor Cone and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Desert.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Frosty the nomad