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These graceful behemoths have ingrained themselves as indispensable allies on the farmlands they inhabit. Indispensable assets in the art of crop cultivation. Their lithe frames support the weight of farmers, who ride upon them with purpose. Deploying their shovel-like forelimbs, to deftly carve and plow the fertile soil, nurturing the potential of burgeoning crops. Upon dusk's descent, Tillerclaws unveil another facet of their adaptation. Their tails, ending in a delicately pointed downward hook, giving them the ability to slumber while suspended upside down from the embracing arms of trees. This very appendage, however, is not just for rest; during their field work, it trails the earth behind them, leaving behind a path primed for the seeds of tomorrow. In the wild, these herbivorous giants employ their robust forelimbs to unearth subterranean vegetation and extract sustenance from tree roots. Yet, their intrinsic strength also extends to self-preservation, capable of thwarting potential assailants. Despite their strenght, they are shy by nature, preferring to hide rather than fight. By manipulating their skin pigments, they effortlessly vanish into a mosaic that mirrors the landscape. Upon reaching maturity their heads become adorned with cascading whiskers, which only grow longer and longer with age. Segmented Legs empower Tillerclaws to traverse the farmers' fields with an unwavering poise. This design, engineered for balance and traction, bolsters their ability to navigate with a steadfast grace, ensuring the fields they till yield their full potential.

This CR1 creature is called a Tillerclaw and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Farm.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: TheDedLime