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The Uncontrollable Toxic Ooze otherwise known as T.U.T.O. prowls through the abandoned labs desolate corridors, seeking discared experiments to assimilate within its corrosive, acid-laden form.Its visage is that of a colossal gelatinous mass, adorned with sinuous, cephalopod-like appendages, stubby arms, and a gaping maw concealed by a wooden plank, wielded like a lethal trap to ensnare prey. A lenghty, wispy tail extends from its form, culminating in a feathery, ominous end. Yet, this tail harbors a darker purpose-a face-like patter that cunningly entices humanoids, coaxing them closer while the creature lurks in shadow. Dispatching this dangerous entity proves arduous; its gelatinous from resists most conventional assaults. Even cutting it in half only creates two identical progeny, half the size of their progenitor. This splitting phenomenon occurs naturally when the T.U.T.O. over consumes, expanding too far beyond its original bounds.

This CR2 creature is called a T.U.T.O. and is an Ooze that lives mostly within the lab.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips