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Within the depths of the Well lurks the Swindeer, a creature both singular and chilling in its existence. Unveiling an eerie blend of deceit and predatory prowess, this cryptic entity, despite its total blindness, maneuvers the otherworldly realm with a blend of tentacles and heightened vibrational senses. The Swindeer presents a facade of familiarity, mimicking the appearance of a hoofed ruminant mammal crowned with antlers. However, closer scrutiny reveals a nightmarish reality. Cephalopod tentacles emerge seamlessly from its mane and tail, while its purported mouth is a deceptive ruse. Instead, it possesses two sets of mouths—one adorning its forehead and the other on its chest. Gifted with six legs culminating in lizard-like, adhesive toes, the Swindeer adheres effortlessly to any surface. Despite a seemingly conventional pair of eyes atop its head, these ocular orbs are nothing more than an elaborate masquerade designed to trick potential prey. The Swindeer, in essence, is a masterful shapeshifter, its grotesque form a macabre reconstruction based solely on tactile and auditory cues. As it prowls the Well, it endeavors to emulate the assumed appearance of its prey, silently closing the gap before launching a predatory strike. Should you encounter an uncanny entity in the Well, beware—for it might be a Swindeer, cunningly disguising its true intent beneath a facade of unsettling mimicry.

This CR2 creature is called a Swindeer and is a Monstrosity that lives mostly within the Well.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: tideofthegoodvibez