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Splint Worms are large, predatory worms approximately 6 feet (2 meters) long, dwelling just beneath the surface in the Sea of Glass. These translucent worms are adept ambush predators, using the glass shards growing from their backs to blend seamlessly with the glass spires dotting the landscape. Swimming beneath the glassy desert dunes with only their glass spikes visible above the surface, they lie in wait for unsuspecting prey to come within striking distance.

When hunting, Splint Worms exhibit different strategies based on the size of their target. For smaller prey, they prefer a direct approach, lunging from beneath the sand to swallow their victim whole with their large mouth lined with dozens of serrated teeth. For larger prey, they employ a more calculated tactic. They shoot their spikes beneath the feet of their target, aiming to impale and injure it. This makes it harder for the prey to escape, weakening it and allowing the Splint Worm an easier kill.

The eyes of a Splint Worm are extremely small, as they spend most of their time beneath the glassy dunes. Instead, they rely on sensing vibrations on the surface, with their glass spikes acting like antennae to enhance this ability.

This CR3 creature is called a Splint Worm and is a Monstrosity that lives mostly within the Sea of Glass.

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Made by: sugarfactory45