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Within the twisting vines and roots of the mangrove forest this amphibious hunter stalks its prey. The perfect blend of aquatic and arboreal traits allow this creature to feel at home in the trees and in the water below. Strong limbs for jumping and climbing along with toe pads that stick to most surfaces, make this animal lighting quick in the trees. When it needs to venture into the water a long paddlelike tail and streamline body gives it amazing maneuverability. If it needs to descend into the water in a hurry this hunter has another trick up its sleeve. By sleeve of course I am referring to its specialized membrane between its limbs known as a patagium. This membrane allows the Spineophibians to glide for short periods of time. The spiked sail along its back even acts as a rudder of sorts while it is in the air. This gliding adaptation helps it hunt down its prey as well. Once within range powerful interlocking jaws prevent most prey from escaping

This CR1/2 creature is called a Spineophibian and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Mangrove Forest.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Six D Six