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Born from the ashes of a dying star Solar Specters search the vast reaches of space for planets gifted with life. Once they find a planet they tether their life force to that planets star, becoming its Shepard and becoming strengthened by the stars power. Little is know of the Specter as getting anywhere near them is equivalent to touching the sun. However, scholars theorize that the Specters act as the immune system for the universe. Helping nurture a solar system with their power or decimating planets they deem a danger. Some believe the arrival of Crius’s solar specter is what caused the formation of the rings. As the God Vulg sensed the Specters immeasurable power and created the rings as a sort of barrier. It was a nice thought, but the rings would probably be a minor obstacle at best if the Solar Specter truly wanted to destroy Crius. While the true scope of the Specters power may never be known, they have been observed traveling between points in space instantaneously and flicking aside asteroids miles across.

This CR18 creature is called a Solar Specter and is a Celestial that lives mostly within the Planetary Rings.

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Made by: Lucid Lucis