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Slithers are tiny, worm-like monstrosities, spawned from the Malapire, the embodiment of disease. When the gods trapped the Malapire in another realm, it still managed to create offspring that slithered into the mortal world. With leathery wings, the Slithers took to the skies and found their way to the floating castle of Geodius, where they quickly tunneled into the castle and unleashed a devastating plague. Although the majority were eventually wiped out, the remaining Slithers are no longer able to spread disease, but instead radiate misery after feeling the loss of their one purpose. It is said that now the Slithers crave death and even their presence is said to drain happiness, as if their mournful, tiny screams can be heard by those nearby. After the people of Geodius recovered from the plague, they found a new use for these creatures by harvesting their glowing silken threads. By harvesting the silk the citizens of Geodius are able to create exquisite garments. Now utilized for clothing Slithers originally produced this silk to hang from ceilings to attract predators, allowing them to spread their diseases more efficiently. Though no longer carriers of plague, Slithers remain toxic, and only their natural predators—the Glimmerbats, immune to their poison—can consume them safely.

This CR0 creature is called a Slither and is a Monstrosity that lives mostly within the Sky Castle.

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Made by: balilali