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Deep within the caverns of the Gloom, a shadowy realm ruled by the god Tenebre, dwells a small and enigmatic creature known as the Skuggi. This mysterious Canidae is made entirely of shadows, with three piercing eyes that glow in the darkness. Possessing an uncanny ability to shift its form, the Skuggi often transforms into a shadow prowler, blending seamlessly into the pack of wolf-like creatures that roam the underground tunnels. Created by Tenebre as a spy, the Skuggi uses its keen senses and intuition to navigate the twisting caverns and gather information for its master. Its elusive nature and unpredictable shapeshifting abilities make it a creature to be approached with caution, for even the most innocent-looking of shadows may hold untold perils. But for those who are able to win the Skuggi's trust, a world of secrets and wonders may be unlocked, for these creatures of darkness hold knowledge and power beyond the understanding of mortals.

This CR1/4 creature is called a Skuggi and is an Elemental that lives mostly within the Caves.

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