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The Skewer Wing is a remarkable avian species that inhabits the grass forests of Veliko. These small black birds have evolved a unique symbiotic relationship with slow-moving but massive insects, which they use as mobile homes to raise their young. The Skewer Wings fiercely defend their insect homes from attackers, providing an added benefit to the insects who gain a loyal legion of protectors.One can easily identify a Skewer Wing's home by the decoration of grass and flowers that they meticulously adorn their insect homes with. Despite their small size, these birds are not to be underestimated, as they possess specialized feathers that are harder and almost metallic in nature, unlike the Keratin that most bird feathers are made of. When startled, these feathers rise up and interweave into a tall point, making them not only durable but also sharp like razors. Males of the species use this unique plumage for both mating displays and battle. Their Mohawks serve as a fencing tool during battles with other males, leaving scars or missing eyes on some specimens that match the shape of a Skewer Wing attack.

This CR1/4 creature is called a Skewer Wing and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Grass Forest.

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