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The earliest known ancestor of todays Umbra, the extinct Sickle Crest lacks wings like its modern day descendants. Even without flight capabilities, the Crest is still a formidable hunter. Utilizing its light frame and strong legs, Sickle Crests are incredibly fast ambush hunters. Packs hunt primarily at night due to their excellent night vision and black feathers mean they are very difficult to spot at night but they can see you perfectly. When catching up to their prey they use their sharp talons and teeth to subdue them, but for bigger prey they utilize a primitive form of breath attack. Special glands inside the Crests mouth produce a sticky substance that they are able to spit out at prey, and upon meeting oxygen, the chemical compounds in the saliva ignite setting their victims on fire. When threatened, the Crest lifts its tail high in the air and flips its tail feathers backwards, showing a bright red color. This display along with their horns are used to attract a mate and for males to show dominance.

This CR2 creature is called a Sickle Crest and is an Umbra that lives mostly within the floodplains.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Aiken Ninja