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Elegantly adorned in a lush coat of fur, the Shufflebunny possesses the uncanny knack of accumulating electric energy by engaging in swift, endearing shuffles across the terrain. This electrifying prowess is exquisitely displayed when its fur metamorphoses into luminous spines, releasing delicate sparks that dance through the air. Manifesting its stored power, the Shufflebunny employs it for dynamic bursts of acceleration, allowing it to transform into a formidable, high-speed orb. Moreover, this mystical energy serves as a potent defense mechanism against potential predators, as its fur-spikes create a captivating yet deterrent display when charged.The Shufflebunny's endearing features are accentuated by its distinctively blue-tinted nose, ear tips, and tail, which elegantly illuminate when brimming with energy. Its tail evolves into spiky projections mirroring the rest of its fur when charged, adding to its ethereal allure.

This CR0 creature is called a Shufflebunny and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Sea of Glass.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: RED1AL4