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Meet the extraordinary Shimmer Spine, a bird-sized insect that slumbers within tree hollows during the day, only to emerge under the cover of night in relentless pursuit of its prey. Endowed with exceptional eyesight, this captivating creature possesses the ability to discern its quarry amidst the mesmerizing bioluminescent tapestry of the Everlit Evergreen. The Shimmer Spine's sleek, streamlined body and multiple sets of wings bestow upon it the prowess of a formidable flyer. With precision and agility, it takes to the skies, ready to execute its hunting strategy. Engaging in swift aerial maneuvers, this airborne predator meticulously selects its target, preparing for a dazzling display of skill. Descending from above with remarkable speed, the Shimmer Spine executes a daring dive bomb, utilizing its sharp, protruding nose to spear its unsuspecting victim. Swift and efficient, it secures its prey, carrying it away to savor its hard-earned meal. Such is the nature of this insect's mastery in the realm of aerial predation. But the Shimmer Spine's remarkable attributes extend beyond its hunting prowess. When the time comes to attract a suitable mate, this enchanting insect unleashes a captivating spectacle. Along its spine ridge, it possesses a series of specialized light organs, which, when ignited, cast a resplendent neon glow. This luminous exhibition serves as a mesmerizing courtship display, enchanting potential mates with its ethereal allure.

This CR1/8 creature is called a Shimmer Spine and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Everlit Evergreen.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: chargednewt