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Scohemoths are colossal sentient plants, most at home in the sky or low-gravity environments. Their bodies resemble massive lily pads, with dangling root-like tentacles that allow them to anchor onto mountainsides or floating debris. Beneath the lily pad body is a single trunk-like appendage, adapted to inhale and expel air, giving them limited control and direction while gliding, though they are not fast or adept fliers. Peaceful by nature, Scohemoths are cherished by other creatures, as their backs collect rainwater, creating natural reservoirs and resting spots for smaller animals. This symbiotic relationship benefits both; creatures drink from the collected water and rest, while unknowingly spreading the Scohemoth’s seeds stuck to their bodies. Scohemoths spend their days floating through the skies, absorbing sunlight, or clinging to mountainsides. They sport bright blossoms atop their heads, which they can open or close at will, using their vibrant colors as a defense mechanism to deter potential predators.

This CR2 creature is called a Scohemoth and is a Plant that lives mostly within the Sky Castle.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: captainrail88