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The Scarlet Skyhare inhabits the top layer of the Nimbus Sea, with their long ears typically poking out from beneath the surface. Therefore, seeing a group of Skyhares gliding out of the mist is a common sight. These beautiful creatures have bright red plumage that shimmers in the sunlight, although males plumage is typically brighter to help attract a mate. Most of their body is covered in a layer of elastic waterproof fur to keep them dry amongst the clouds they call home. The bottoms of the Skyhares feet have an innate magical property that allows them to stand on the water vapors making up the clouds for a short period of time. This combined with their strong back legs and avian wings allow the Skyhare to propel themselves up out of the cloud layer to escape predators. Which has led Locals to utilize these creatures as a means of predator detection, as spotting a group of Skyhares frantically flying out from amongst the clouds means a threat is likely lurking down in the gloom.

This CR0 creature is called a Scarlet Skyhare and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Nimbus Sea.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Plaid Weasel