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Introducing the fearsome Ruin Wrecker, a colossal amphibian bearing the robust physique of a primate. These magnificent creatures hold strength above all virtues, engaging in fierce battles within their ranks to determine the mightiest among them. Who is easily discernible by their vividly colored red vocal sacs, they inflate these sacs with air to emphasize and display their formidable power. Feeding on a diet exclusively composed of poisonous berries, Ruin Wreckers have evolved a unique adaptation. Their skin secretes a venomous substance, rendering them formidable and dangerous to any potential adversaries. Preferring the sanctuary of ancient ruins and structures, they navigate their habitats with remarkable dexterity. Their mucus-coated feet allow them to effortlessly cling to nearly any surface, enabling them to reside primarily on ceilings and other hard-to-reach areas. During their juvenile stage, these extraordinary creatures are referred to as Poilwhomps. Found exclusively in the pools and water channels of ruins, these tadpoles embark on a remarkable and brutal journey from birth. Upon hatching, they promptly engage in cannibalistic behavior, with only the largest tadpoles surviving this tumultuous phase.

This CR4 creature is called a Ruin Wrecker and is an Monstrosity that lives mostly within the Ruins.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: bellthecat