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The Robinger, a haunting denizen of the infernal realm of Tenaronus, stands tall and gaunt, its form reminiscent of a withering human figure. Its flowing hair defies natural laws, cascading in ethereal strands that seem to dance in unseen currents. The fiend's eyes, a lifeless shade of blue devoid of pupils, exude an unsettling aura of emptiness. Devoid of a mouth, the Robinger sustains itself by feeding on the raw emotions of those around it. It thrives on the turbulent energies of fear, anger, and despair, drawing sustenance from the emotional turmoil it incites in its vicinity. Its scar-riddled form bears witness to countless encounters. Permanently marred by torn wings that can never be fully restored, the Robinger harbors a singular desire—to replenish its depleted vitality and restore its shattered wings to their former glory. To achieve this, it tirelessly seeks out sources of emotional energy, weaving through the tapestry of mortal lives in search of the sustenance it craves. Driven by its insatiable hunger and fueled by the agony of the souls it encounters, the Robinger roams the shadows of Tenaronus, a specter of longing and despair in the endless expanse of the infernal plane.

This CR1/2 creature is called a Robinger and is a Fiend that lives mostly within the Tenaronus.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: gray_may_play