Reed Bears are small, aquatic fey creatures no larger than a child’s stuffed toy, known for their vibrant, colorful appearance and playful demeanor. Found in shallow ocean waters, particularly around coral reefs, these stocky, blubbery creatures are slow swimmers, preferring to meander along the ocean floor. They spend their days grazing on aquatic vegetation and snacking on small crustaceans and fish, playing a vital role in maintaining the health of their environment.
Highly valued by underwater civilizations, Reed Bears are often kept as natural pest controllers in aquatic farms, where their grazing habits prevent the overgrowth of harmful weeds and keep pest populations in check. Despite their small size and gentle nature, they are not defenseless; their bright, eye-catching coloration serves as a warning for the venomous sting they can deliver, discouraging predators from viewing them as an easy meal.
Born of the Drift, Reed Bears embody the playful and curious nature of their fey origins. They are known to form deep bonds with those they trust, bringing a touch of whimsy and companionship to the underwater world they call home.
This CR1/4 creature is called a Reed Bear and is a Fey that lives mostly within the Ocean.