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These enchanting creatures manifest in an array of captivating forms, each as unique as the imaginations of their creators. Yet, a prevailing characteristic unites them—a stature akin to that of a child, boasting a generous, circular body and arms that far outstretch their legs. Within the realm of these magical beings, purpose abounds, dictated by the whims of their makers. Many find their calling as gentle caretakers, diligently tending to the needs of their human companions, while others devote themselves to domestic tasks, offering a helping hand around the abode. What sets quilt golems apart is their inherent softness, rendering them harmless to all who cross their path. Even when stirred to anger, these animated quilts pose no threat; their wrath resembles a whimsical pillow fight rather than genuine harm. Their plush bodies, carefully crafted from the finest materials, serve as a source of comfort and reassurance, fostering an atmosphere of safety and warmth. Notably, the resilience of quilt golems is unparalleled. Despite their tender nature, these extraordinary beings possess an innate ability to mend themselves, weaving their torn seams back together with masterful precision. The remnants of their existence become the threads of their resilience.

This CR0 creature is called a Quilt Golem and is a Construct that lives mostly within the Woven Woods.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: omega_anansi