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Originating from Twilite Drift, Pleat Pigeons are not typical fauna but rather enchanted flora, borne from the artistry of higher fey beings or those versed in the ancient druidic crafts. Crafting a Pleat Pigeon is a ritual steeped in magic; one simply needs to find a suitable leaf and infuse it with a command word, granting it the spark of life. The leaf then begins folding and sculpting itself into the likeness of a bird. Once animated, the Pleat Pigeon dutifully obeys the commands of its creator, serving as a loyal messenger and emissary. Though they possess a fragile constitution unsuitable for combat, Pleat Pigeons excel in delivering messages across vast distances. It is a common practice for individuals to inscribe their thoughts onto the leaf, allowing the avian courier to transport it swiftly to its intended recipient. Upon arrival, the Pleat Pigeon reverts to its original form, presenting the message in a delicate and elegant manner.

This CR0 creature is called a Pleat Pigeon and is a Plant that lives mostly within the Magical Forest.

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