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Muttering Mandibles are a peculiar species of arthropods inhabiting the swamplands and marshes of Crius. These creatures possess elongated bodies with numerous legs and formidable mandibles. Driven by an instinctive need to find humanoid hosts, they latch onto their faces, aiming to replace the hosts' lower jaws with their own. Once attached, the Mandibles establish a psychic connection, allowing communication with their host. This symbiotic relationship grants the host a powerful set of lower jaws and the ability to speak new languages, while the Mandibles receive safety from danger and gain some nourishment from the host's food.

However, this bond comes with a sinister twist. The psychic connection can sometimes delve too deeply into the host's mind, gradually overtaking it entirely. Despite the initial benefits, the host risks losing their autonomy as the Muttering Mandibles exert their influence, ultimately controlling both body and mind. This eerie and invasive species, though fascinating, serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers lurking in the marshes of Crius.

This CR3 creature is called a Muttering Mandibles and is a Monstrosity that lives mostly within the Swamp.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: vdemondisgused