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Mosscrests are majestic aerial grazers, sporting a manta ray-like body plan with four small limbs tucked beneath. Born amidst the forest floor, their journey begins as they hatch and ascend into the verdant canopies above. With porous and moist skin, Mosscrests inadvertently become hosts for seeds; nurturing mini-gardens on their backs with the help of sun and rain. These aerial gardens not only offer sustenance but also provide a haven for small creatures known as Cobble Cobble, whose spores find refuge in the Mosscrest's skin. In return for shelter, these creatures aid in maintaining the foliage, ensuring it doesn't overwhelm its host. The lush foliage serves as both sustenance for the Cobble and camouflage for the Mosscrest, while also offering natural sun protection for the Mosscrest's delicate skin.

This CR2 creature is called a Mosscrest and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Everlit Evergreen.

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