Mossback Bleaters are massive, stocky herbivores commonly raised on farms across Veargreum, prized for their rich milk and docile nature. True to their name, these creatures are covered in a thick coat of moss-like algae, which serves a dual purpose: providing warmth and acting as natural camouflage. This camouflage is particularly beneficial for their juveniles, who are more vulnerable to predators, while adult Bleaters rely on their imposing bulk to deter most threats. Their carefree disposition and gentle demeanor make them a common sight in farmlands, often seen allowing smaller animals to ride along their mossy backs.
Despite their size and strength, Mossback Bleaters are not known for their intelligence. Their heavy, lumbering bodies make them ill-suited for tasks requiring precision, such as plowing fields, as they are more likely to trample crops than cultivate them. However, some farmers harness their impressive strength for pulling heavy wagons or performing other forms of arduous labor.
These semi-aquatic creatures thrive in damp environments, often found wallowing in ponds or lakes to keep their mossy coats moist. Over time, their backs may bloom into vibrant gardens as pollinators inadvertently deposit seeds among the moss, creating a moving ecosystem.
Mossback Bleaters reach maturity when they develop their distinctive beards, which grow on both males and females. These beards play a key role in courtship, as prospective mates engage in rhythmic, swaying dances to display their vibrant mossy manes. Whether grazing in the wetlands or hauling goods across the farmlands of Veargreum, Mossback Bleaters are a unique blend of strength, serenity, and natural beauty.
This CR1/4 creature is called a Mossback Bleater and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Farmlands.