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In the Fey realm, one may come across a rather common sight, the moss crawlers. These creatures are lizard-like, but they are made entirely of animated moss, with rocks or bark from trees used as scales. They are often seen with the tatoe tots, who use them as pack creatures. While the moss crawlers are generally harmless, they possess a potent defense mechanism. They can convert their moss into a poisonous liquid and fire it at their enemies from their mouths or tail tips. Although not lethal, this poison causes a severe burning sensation on contact with flesh, ensuring that their enemies avoid them in the future. As moss crawlers are made of moss, they do not hunt for food. Instead, they survive purely on fresh water and sunlight. Their mouths are primarily used for the projection of poison and to give off vocal sounds ranging from threatening hissing to friendly noises for their tatoe tots. The moss crawlers can communicate from a long distance by producing different sounds depending on the particular message they want to convey. The frills of the moss crawler are vibrant with rainbow colors, which they use as a threat to enemies, fluctuating the colors in a threatening manner as a warning not to approach. The moss crawlers reproduce by producing a large spore, which they store in a damp and dim location to let the moss of the newborn grow to appropriate size. Any moss crawler raised by a tatoe tot has most likely imprinted on the tatoe and sees it as a parent rather than an owner. These creatures will sit and wait until their bonded tatoe returns from their trips to the other realm. However, for those whose tatoe does not return, they will sit unmoving until they can no longer sustain themselves.

This CR1/4 creature is called a Moss Crawler and is a Plant that lives mostly within the Fey Realm.

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Made by: Drone_Kick_King