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In the wilds of Crius’ Savannahs, roams a majestic and fearsome creature known as the Monarch Maw, a wild feline species. Surprisingly, the Monarch Maws share a connection with the common domesticated catamews, descending from a wild and untamed branch of their genetic lineage. This awe-inspiring creature is characterized by its sheer size and strength, standing as an epitome of power in the wild. The males of the species are easily recognized by the massive mane of fur around their heads, which bristles up like a ferocious crown when their temper flares. The females possess sleek, smooth fur, indicative of their unparalleled agility and skill as skilled hunters of the pride. They have a social structure where roles are clearly defined based on gender traits. The male Monarch Maws are formidable warriors, built for combat and unmatched in raw strength. On the other hand, the females showcase unparalleled speed, grace, and cunning as the esteemed hunters of the pride, essential for the survival and prosperity of their community. 

This CR1 creature is called a Monarch Maw and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Savanna Grassland.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Drone_Kick_King