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Mineral Mites are industrious beetles native to the junkyards of subterranean cities, thriving amidst heaps of discarded metal. Using their potent corrosive saliva, they dissolve and consume metallic materials, which directly influence the density and coloration of their carapaces. As a result, each Mineral Mite displays a unique metallic hue and varying degrees of armored resilience, reflecting their diet. Highly social creatures, they live in tightly organized colonies with distinct roles, ensuring the survival of their kin. In times of danger, the largest and toughest Mineral Mites align themselves side by side, forming a living shield to protect the colony—a testament to their cooperative and defensive instincts.

This CR2 creature is called a Mineral Mite and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Underground City.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Lucid_Lucis