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The Meadow Mew is a stunning feline that boasts a close resemblance to its domesticated cousin, the Catamew. These majestic creatures call the Sod Grove forest of Veliko their home, where they can be found gracefully leaping from giant grass stalk to grass stalk. These felines are believed to be a mutated version of the Catamew, an adaptation that occurred due to the wild magic that courses through Veliko. The Meadow Mew's fur coat is an impressive feat of evolution, shaped and colored to resemble the blades of grass that make up its habitat. This perfect camouflage allows the Meadow Mew to blend seamlessly into its surroundings, making it difficult to spot even for the most skilled of predators. The Meadow Mew's eight legs make them expert climbers, allowing them to scale the tall grass stalks with ease and silence, making them a deadly predator. One of the Meadow Mew's favorite meals is the Skewer Wing, a small black bird that roosts on slow-moving but massive insects. These stealthy felines wait patiently on the grass stalks, clinging to the side and waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce. With lightning-fast reflexes, they snatch the unsuspecting birds out of the air, making for a quick and easy meal.

This CR0 creature is called a Meadow Mew and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Grass Forest.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: amrinson