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Mantle Mimics are horrifying predators that haunt the shadowy alleyways of subterranean cities, preying on the unwary. At first glance, they appear to be nothing more than an average humanoid draped in a tattered, frayed cloak—a guise deliberately designed to lure their next victim. However, this illusion is a deadly ruse: the creature is not wearing a cloak; it is the cloak.

The Mantle Mimic’s body is a grotesque fusion of shapeshifting flesh and sinew, stretched into the form of a cloak to disguise its true nature. It drapes itself over its latest victim, leaving the unfortunate soul’s head intact and unconsumed to enhance the deception. To add to the horror, the mimic manipulates the victim's vocal cords, emitting pleas for help or conversational tones to draw in its next target. Upon closer inspection, the “cloth” of the cloak betrays its fleshy texture, but by then, it’s often too late—the hood peels back to reveal a gaping, monstrous maw, and the Mantle Mimic strikes.

Adding to its arsenal of terror, the Mantle Mimic possesses innate magical abilities that allow it to manipulate shadows. From a distance, it conjures shadowy appendages that resemble arms and legs, further solidifying the illusion of a humanoid figure. This control over darkness also grants it the ability to hover above the ground, enabling unnaturally smooth and swift movements. In the dim light of subterranean cities or darkened alleys, this unsettling display makes it nearly impossible to discern the mimic from a genuine cloaked figure until it is too late.

Legends of these creatures permeate the tales of subterranean city dwellers and even surface communities that rarely see sunlight. Despite their rarity, Mantle Mimics are infamous for their cunning and brutality. It is whispered that sunlight, an element they rarely encounter, is their one true weakness. Whether this is fact or folklore, those who tread the darkened alleys often do so with a wary glance, knowing that not every cry for help is what it seems.

This CR4 creature is called a Mantle Mimic and is a Monstrosity that lives mostly within the Underground City.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: lucywolf05