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Deep in the heart of the Gloom, a mysterious creature lurks in the shadows, feared by travelers and dubbed "The Light Stealer". With its catfish-like whiskers and tiny, forward-facing eyes, the Light Eater is perfectly adapted to navigate the pitch-black tunnels of the underground realm. But it is its bizarre physical features that truly set it apart from any other creature known to man. Short and stubby legs support a body adorned with a crest of spines that runs from its head to its back. And then there's the tongue - a massive appendage that extends from the creature's gaping maw, capable of ensnaring even the smallest flicker of light. But it's not just any light that the Light Eater craves - it's the flicker of travelers' torches and fires that it seeks out with ruthless efficiency. When the Light Eater consumes light, a strange phenomenon occurs. The creature glows, as if infused with the very essence of the light it has consumed. But beware - for those foolish enough to attempt to eat the creature while it is glowing, the consequences can be dire. The Light Eater's poisonous nature renders such a mistake a fatal one. Despite its fearsome reputation, however, the Light Stealer is not the malevolent creature that travelers imagine it to be. In fact, it may simply be a misunderstood creature with a love for fire and a talent for consuming magma from the deep crevices of the earth. But until one can bear witness to the Light Eater in all its strange glory, the legend of the Light Stealer will continue to inspire fear and wonder in equal measure.

This CR1/2 creature is called a Light Eater and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Cave.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: GingerVRD